Dear customers,
This informational post for those who placed an order for Gladiator variants (backordered one)
We received the long-awaiting shipment with Gladiator variants and now started shipping.
Please note that backorder was introduced for some Gladiator variants since the 19th of April. The reason for that is to let our customers to place the order with no rush. As soon as the shipment is at our possession, we ship. It happens due to very long logistics nowadays. The containership is cruising around Africa to reach Europe like we are back to the 19th century. Therefore it is more difficult to timely react on the market needs and it costs significantly more for logistics and all around it. To minimize the cost and to let our customers order in comfortable manner backorder for Gladiator (and possible for more items in the store) will be available until we have better situation with the logistics when Red Sea is open again.
We know that our customers eagerly waiting for the orders to arrive. But our capacity is physically limited so we could not ship all orders at once. We ship based on principle “first in, first out”. The most earliest placed orders are shipped first.
Here I will update what orders are currently planned for shipment. It should help to make an idea how long does it take until your order is shipped.
Updated 10.09.2024:
We keep shipping backordered items as well as “in stock” items.
Most of Gladiator variants are available for regular shipping (1-3 business day to process and ship). There is still some backlog but it will be cleared during this week. So all awaiting items (except for NXT EVO Standard Right-handed) will be shipped this week.
Currently, only one variant is offered as a “backorder”. It is NXT EVO Standard Right-handed. For all newly placed backorders for that variant current waiting time before shipment is about 2 weeks.