Black Mamba joystick for non-EU customers available
Dear all, We would like to announce Black Mamba joystick from VKB. It is currently available worldwide but only for non-EU customers. Worldwide shipment is done directly from
Several upgrade kits for Cobra M5 are in stock
Long-awaiting upgrade kits for Defender Cobra M5 are now in stock and available for order. Now it is possible to upgrade the joystick with an advanced controller NJoy32
Longer shipping time is expected during July-August
Dear buyers, Due to holiday season, please, be aware that it will be a delay in email reply and shipping for about 1-3 weeks. We plan to return to usual
Contact form problem
Dear all. During last two weeks the contact form on the web-site had a problem. E-mail addresses entered in the form were lost and it was not possible to
History of VKB
Dear reader, You are most likely a person who likes aviation, flight simulators or games related to the planes. It does not matter whether it is modern jet
VKB rudder pedals Mk.21-3 is available for order.
VKB rudder pedals are in production for about 7 years and recognized by community as good quality product. The latest modification of VKB rudder pedals are available for
Defender Cobra M5, VKB Fat Cobra and Black Mamba are on sale this weekend !
This weekend VKB FSC Europe participates in Flight Simulator Weekend in Lelystad, The Netherlands. We will sell the number of new products some of them just hit the
FS Weekend at Lelystad airport, The Netherlands
VKB FSC Europe will participate in Flight Simulator Weekend on November 3 & 4 2012 at the Aviodrome at Lelystad Airport. We plan to present, and put on
Web site and store are open now !
VKB flight simulator controls is now presented in Europe. Welcome to the new website with a store ! The website is open for public in pre-production (beta) mode.