VKB NJoy32 Controller Manual v.2.15
Updated version of NJoy32 Controller Manual is now available. What’s new: Relative+Absolute virtual mouse mode. Instant cursor movement
Gunfighter Mk.III Base is available
A stand-alone Gunfighter Mk.III base is now available in Europe. It contains all parts and extras just like a regular complete Gunfighter Mk.III flightstick but without a grip.
NXT is in regular stock in May
Dear all, The next arrival of NXT in regular stock is expected on the 17 of May. We plan to start selling NXT few days before, on the
China Express Airlift for NXT
Suez Canal is an important trade route from Asia to Europe. Unfortunately, its ability to pass cargo ships is now very limited. Many ships are waiting in line
NXT availability in March
Fellow simmers, The last batch of NXT in March is finally arriving in the store this week. It did all the way from China to the Netherlands. We
Comprehensive Manual for VKB Njoy32 Device Configuration Tool v.2.14
There is new version of manual for VKB Njoy32 Device Configuration Tool available. NJoy32 platform is common for all current VKB devices. The manual is for advanced users
NXT shipping and availability
We have just got a confirmation that the first NXT cargo in February/March is arriving next week Monday (08.03.2021). It was expected this week but it has been
NXT availability update
Hi all, We are starting to sell Gladiator NXT on Wednesday, 24th of February. NXT will be offered in two batches. The first batch is planned for shipping
Shipping to the UK is temporarily on hold
Dear UK customers, Unfortunately, we have to hold shipping to the UK until the end of February 2021. The situation with the parcels is not improving. Many parcels
Shipping to the UK
Many parcels to the UK are delayed. Currently, the average delivery time is about two weeks but some parcels are delayed longer. Several shipments were even returned back